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"Frida’s Spirit"

"Frida’s Spirit"

Regular price $750.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $750.00 USD
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This colorful portrait of Eva Perón captures her essence, surrounded by a crown of vivid flowers. The flowing, abstract brushstrokes in the background bring a sense of movement, contrasting with the finely detailed rendering of her face. The striking blend of pinks, oranges, and blues creates an energetic aura, while the soft green tones in the background provide a balanced, harmonious backdrop. The dynamic composition and bold use of color make this piece a powerful tribute to her enduring influence.

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If you like this style but it is not quite what you are looking for I will work with you one on one to create something custom, including the subject matter of your choice.

Please include as many details as possible in the comment section of the below form for your project and I will contact you with next steps.

Please include your location, if you will be visiting me at the studio in Puerto Vallarta and any timelines that you are working with.


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